Texas Hospitality

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Texas Hospitality

Unread postby drinkdrankdrunk » Mon Aug 18, 2008 11:07 am

but it has more to do with the getting together with friends who do enjoy bourbon than the festival itself. If you don't come to the festival, Do let it be known when you are coming so that some of us can get together and enjoy a drink or two.
Mike Veach
"Our people live almost exclusively on whiskey" - E H Taylor, Jr. 25 April 1873

This is very true and I feel obliged to tell a short story of my own recent bourbon expedition right here in the great state of Texas.
I had the privelage of meeting Jeff (mozilla) from Austin on a recent vacation to San Antone. He showed me and my family that all too famous Texas hospitiality and took me on a tour of Kentucky's past and present without even leaving his livingroom. We traded bottles and stories.
I left there much more enlightened and probably doubled the number of bourbons I have tried. Thanks to Jeff I have a much deeper appreciation for not only the upper shelves, but I now have a mission to save all those dusty bottles from distillers of old, sitting on the bottom and mid-shelves of America. The ones that have had there good labels sullied by big distillers of today, and rescue them from a life of being mixed into cola oblivion.
I encourage everyone to make the trip to Kentucky, as I hope to do one day, but I also encourage you to make your own adventure. There is always someone out there with more knowledge and experience, that can help light the way and get you started on a path to bourbon enlightenment!
Just wanted to thank Jeff and all the other bourbon heads out there for helping show me the way! - Don
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Re: Texas Hospitality

Unread postby bourbonv » Mon Aug 18, 2008 11:32 am

Jeff is a great guy. He spent some time here in Kentucky and I had the pleasure of spending a Saturday with him. The day ended at the Bourbon's Bistro with John Lipman. Great day, well spent.

That is my point about the festival. It is meeting fellow bourbon drinkers that make the festival enjoyable, not the festival events (with the exception of the Master Distiller's Auction - please support the Getz Museum). The sad thing is that if the bourbon sites got together and decided to make a weekend in Kentucky on their own, they would have just as much fun as they do during the festival. And that would include meeting the Master Distillers. I guarantee you that if the distilleries know that there are a couple of hundred bourbon drinkers in town, they will bend over backwards to see that you tour their distillery and meet the master distiller.
Mike Veach
"Our people live almost exclusively on whiskey" - E H Taylor, Jr. 25 April 1873
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Re: Texas Hospitality

Unread postby mozilla » Mon Aug 18, 2008 9:28 pm

Thank you very much for the kind words, Don. I had a wonderful time meeting your family. We opened and sampled probably 25 bourbons in about an hour. It was speed tasting....but, we made a great time of it.

Don and his wife have created a great looking son. I see football and breaking girls hearts in his future.

Also, I should say that I have learned how to pass on bourbon hospitality from Mike V, John L ....and Randy Blank, Tboner both from SB.com. All of these Gentlemen have hosted me and set a very lofty bar to which I aspire. If anything, I am just spreading the wealth. I would like to thank all of the folks that have lighted the way for me, as well. You have all enriched my life and I look forward to our next meeting.
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