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Favorite Birthday Bourbon

Unread postPosted: Thu Sep 28, 2006 7:04 pm
by bourbonv
So far I would have to say that my favorite Old Forester Birthday Bourbon is still the 2002 original Birthday Bourbon, followed closely by the 2004 version. Anybody else care to express an opinion?

Unread postPosted: Fri Sep 29, 2006 9:29 am
by Bourbon HQ
I have not tasted the 2002 version, but I do like the 2004.

Unread postPosted: Fri Sep 29, 2006 11:21 am
by BourbonBalls
What does the 2002 have that makes it a standout over the others?

Unread postPosted: Fri Sep 29, 2006 2:27 pm
by bourbonv
I would say that I liked the balance of flavors in the 2002. It had a nice fruitiness with wood, but not the tannins of the wood creating a strong taste.

Unread postPosted: Sun Oct 01, 2006 2:50 pm
by angelshare
Definitely the 02, although it's been a while since we had it. Memory and nostalgia play tricks on my palate sometimes.

That said, I'm (Dave) also very fond of the Spring 03 and would place it above the 04 expression by memory. Haven't done a side by side, though.

Unread postPosted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 7:35 pm
by bunghole
The original release has been the best that I've tasted so far. It was stellar, and therefore a tough act to follow.

I do like both the Spring & Fall expressions of the '03. I have not had the pleasure of tasting the '05.

I think one of the best things about the Birthday Bourbons is that taken as a group they can be very instructional to even the most knowledgable Bourbon Enthusiast. Take the Spring & Fall expressions and do a semi-blind compairison to see if you can detect what differences there are between seasons.

Since the '05 is just one year older than the '04 conduct a simular semi-blind compairison to taste the differences of just one additional year of aging.

I know of no other bourbon series that could present itself as a tasting university in a bottle! OK - four bottles, but it's much more fun than buying books, and you'll not be skipping out on class! :wink:

:arrow: ima :book: :idea1: :beer: :lecture: :wow:

Unread postPosted: Thu Oct 12, 2006 9:24 pm
by OneCubeOnly
I have all the Birthday Bourbons (except the recent '06 release), and I'd rate them in the following order:

1. 2002 (Absolutely spectacular! The Grandaddy of 'em all! A hard act to follow!)
2. Spring 2003 (I love this one because it just SCREAAAAAMS dark fruit...even if you don't claim to taste all the nuances of bourbons, if you add a dash of water to this one and don't taste dark raspberries & cherries you better give it up!) :lol:
3. Fall 2003 (surprisingly a different animal than the Spring...much more woody and what I'd consider more traditional)
4. 2005 (I got a funky lilac nose and palate from this was okay, but not really what I expect from reminded me of old-lady soap).
5. 2004 (not too bad, but definitely not in the mix with the could definitely taste that it was the youngster of the bunch. I can't imagine what made this particular set of barrels stand out to the tasters!? It reminds me of the original Woodford Reserve only with a worse nose).

Unread postPosted: Mon Jul 09, 2007 7:09 pm
by Mike
I pulled out the 2004 Birthday Bourbon because I haven't tried it in a while. I have always liked it and, sad to say, it is the only BB that I have had the pleasure of trying.

It has been many months since I have sipped this fellow and I like it still. It is what I would call a 'soft' bourbon with good balance and the first bourbon in which I could detect a hint of chocolate (after someone else noted that taste).

Unread postPosted: Mon Jul 09, 2007 7:19 pm
by Bourbon Joe
I got em all and I like em all, but the first one (2002) wins best of show IMO

Unread postPosted: Mon Jul 09, 2007 7:26 pm
by Bucc58
I just got a bottle of the 93/06. It is the first bottle of old forester I have bought. I think that will be my next review. As far as chocolate goes, Devin and I both agreed that Basil Haydens had a german chocolate taste in it. Might want to check it out.

Unread postPosted: Mon Jul 09, 2007 9:15 pm
by bunghole
I had the distinct privilege to sample the 2006 expression of Old Forester Birthday Bourbon courtest of Professor Veach. I must say it was supurb in every way. I believe this one is also 13 years old like the original release, and very much like the 'honey barrels' in the early batches of Woodford Reserve. Candy, Baby, Candy!
