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Good Bye, Pappy 20

Unread postPosted: Wed Jan 08, 2014 6:21 pm
by Mike
I emptied your last sip this afternoon and will no longer be keeping company with you, you are just too costly these days, even if I could find you. I will miss your cognac like subtlety. I still have some of your 15 YO and when it runs out, it too will be goodbye. Please do not be offended by this, but with my extraordinarily keen hindsight, I must say you were never worth your price.

As far as the value/taste proposition goes, in my opinion (not a new opinion) nothing can beat Four Roses Single Barrel. But, y'all, let it be known that when me and Squire enter the pearly gates, should that questionable event occur (doubtful on my part although I doubt not that Squire is saintly), in our back pocket will be a 375 ml bottle of Old Grand Dad BIB to remind of us of what a sweet life we left behind.

I do not have a go to bourbon or a favorite daily pour, and I have no unopened bottles. I drinks what that day's mood demands of me. At this very moment I am sipping some Ezra Brooks 7 YO 101 proof whiskey that cost me $9.99 if I recall correctly. A bit of an edge at the end, but what is a little edge amongst us rough and tough bourbon boys?

It is possible of course, that on my deathbed, as I slip that bottle of Old Grand Dad BIB into my hip pocket, I will whisper to whomever is nearby, 'Could I have a sip of Pappy 20 please.'

Re: Good Bye, Pappy 20

Unread postPosted: Wed Jan 08, 2014 8:52 pm
by corpse_welder
For me, bourbon has always been about simplicity and slowing things down a bit. My two most often poured bourbons are OGDBiB and WT101 which I get for $20 and $15 respectively. These days when I'm shopping for a higher end bourbon, the thought pops in my head "is this really worth X amount of Wild Turkeys?" Simplicity will take you a long way

Re: Good Bye, Pappy 20

Unread postPosted: Thu Jan 09, 2014 12:52 am
by JLH3
As I have said before, if I could have nothin but Lot B, 4RSmB and Rare Breed, I would be a happy man.

Re: Good Bye, Pappy 20

Unread postPosted: Thu Jan 09, 2014 1:31 am
by Bourbon Joe
Pappy 20 was pretty good IMO. I agree with Mike that it was terribly overpriced. My son-in-law and I drank damn near a whole bottle for my birthday a few weeks back. I will remember it fondly.

Re: Good Bye, Pappy 20

Unread postPosted: Thu Jan 09, 2014 11:40 pm
by RandyG
Last Fall, nada. This Fall, nada. I'm starting to think I will never see another bottle of my beloved Pappy 15YO. I always thought the 20 was over priced but thought (still think) the 15 is worth the asking [retail] price. So, to show my disdain I changed my avatar a little while back. If I am ever to obtain Pappy 15 again at it's retail price, I will bring back my old avatar. Until then, I guess I will have to suffer through a splash of the 'ol poor mans Pappy 15, AKA Rare Breed. Oh the horror.

Re: Good Bye, Pappy 20

Unread postPosted: Sat Jan 11, 2014 12:23 pm
by Squire
As far as I'm concerned if it costs 2,3 or 4 times more than Old Grand Dad then it would have to be 2, 3 or 4 times better for me to buy it and I haven't met that critter yet. Not for lack of trying though.

Re: Good Bye, Pappy 20

Unread postPosted: Sun Jan 19, 2014 2:30 am
by footprints
I found my first bottles of Pappy I've seen in the wild today -- outside of a few bars. The prices were $200 (Lot B), $500 (15 yr), $700 (20 yr), and $1000 (23 yr).

How do those prices compare to what others have seen? This is Northern California, FWIW. I tried to negotiate with the young guy behind the counter but the conversation was above his pay grade.