The greatest 'ripoff' perpetuated on us buyers recently is

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What is the greatest 'ripoff' of recent have three choices

(1) Russell's Reserve to RR 90
(2) Eagle Rare 101 to ER 90
(3) Beam's (ri)1 rye at about $45
(4) Any bourbon or rye over 20 years of age and $50+
(5) Barrel proof bourbons at $50+ a bottle
(6) Basill Hayden's (Old GrandDad with a splashy paper label......and water added)
(7) Single Barrels that are lower than 89 proof
(8) Sam Houston NAS which taste oddly similar to Heaven Hill for $30
(9) Small Batch labeling without any standards to size
(10) Old Whiskey River 6/80 for twice the price of Tom Sims 6/80
(11) Other.......please specify in a reply post
Total votes : 134

The greatest 'ripoff' perpetuated on us buyers recently is

Postby Mike » Thu Aug 27, 2009 8:55 pm

I say either Russell's Reserve 101 to RR 90 or Eagle Rare 101 to ER 90, but I must, out of perversity, also cast one of my votes for Basil Haydens..........(why does that bourbon make me mad?????????...........I don't know, it just strikes a chord on my perversity keyboard).
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Re: The greatest 'ripoff' perpetuated on us buyers recently is

Postby Chinpo » Fri Aug 28, 2009 9:04 am

I don't think it is coincidence that J. Beam products crowd the leader board here.
The marketing people must feel strongly about this business model. Personally,
as bad as Ri and B.H. may be, I hold Bakers followed by Bookers in lower esteem.

My local Happy Shop owner once showed me a bottle of Ri and said, "Since I
won't even let anyone buy this I may as well send it back."

BTW, I actually like B.H. Overpriced? Certainly!
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Re: The greatest 'ripoff' perpetuated on us buyers recently is

Postby drinkdrankdrunk » Fri Aug 28, 2009 11:03 am

I chose Basil Haydens for the obvious reasons.

I also chose R(i), because like what Jeff(Mozilla) said in another post about Vodka, and why would anyone pay more than $20 for Vodka, it's obviously for the fancy bottle. Have you seen the rediculous Vodka bottles out there? How in the hell would some of those fit in you friggin' liquor cabinet?

The third I chose was Wild Turkey RR101 dumbed down. You almost expect that from BT, but not my Wild Turkey. I trusted them. They have only let me down on this one occasion.

A 4th an not mentioned bottling was Old Charter Private Stock. It wasn't around for long and for good reason. They tried to make a Premium 80 proof product like Basil Hayden's and slap a $30 price tag on it. Good riddens I say.
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Re: The greatest 'ripoff' perpetuated on us buyers recently is

Postby fricky » Fri Aug 28, 2009 11:27 am

I agree that Russell's Reserve 90 and Beam's (ri)1 are ripoofs. My third pick was white dog. It costs about $15 for 375 ml. That is a bit expensive when I can get Old Weller Antique for about $20 for 750 ml.
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Re: The greatest 'ripoff' perpetuated on us buyers recently is

Postby Rughi » Fri Aug 28, 2009 4:42 pm

Well, I vote for the top two. Especially the disappearance of ER101 as the biggest disappointment on that list.

A ripoff perpetrated on us is pretty strong. I don't agree that we're citizens under siege by enemies. We're just people who enjoy a pleasant commodity on occasion. Let's not let our grouchiness about how we remember the good ol' days blow this out of proportion.

I wish the poll let me give a couple of those choices a thumbs up.
I think these are great times in the bourbon world, not the end of the world.

(Now, gimme my ER101...and Centennial...and WT 8yo...and OC BIB...)
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Re: The greatest 'ripoff' perpetuated on us buyers recently is

Postby drinkdrankdrunk » Fri Aug 28, 2009 9:50 pm

Rughi wrote:
A ripoff perpetrated on us is pretty strong. I don't agree that we're citizens under siege by enemies. We're just people who enjoy a pleasant commodity on occasion. Let's not let our grouchiness about how we remember the good ol' days blow this out of proportion.

I wish the poll let me give a couple of those choices a thumbs up.
I think these are great times in the bourbon world, not the end of the world.

Well we can't sit by idley either. I think that is the point of these polls. The bourbon companies are watching and we want them to hear our voice of protest. Yes change is inevitable and has been in motion for some time, but the true bourbon heads ain't happy and will not tolerate this type of behavior. Cheap ain't all there is, but neither is overpriced, underaged, low proof bullshit!

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Re: The greatest 'ripoff' perpetuated on us buyers recently is

Postby PaulO » Sat Aug 29, 2009 9:12 am

Here is what I think is the biggest ripoff; any 80 proofer that costs more than $15 with tax included. Gee, there are some Beam products that fit that description. My vote for best value (not a ripoff) are any of the Heaven Hill bottled in bond labels. I know a bunch of people are mad about the discontinuation of ER 101. I have only had the ER 90. I thought it was pretty decent, would consider getting it again. One thing I love about this site are the great reviews. You guys help save me from overpriced mediocre stuff - thanks.
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Re: The greatest 'ripoff' perpetuated on us buyers recently is

Postby p_elliott » Mon Sep 14, 2009 11:27 am

There's another we can add to the list OWA 7 107 going NAS.
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Re: The greatest 'ripoff' perpetuated on us buyers recently is

Postby Dump Bucket » Tue Sep 15, 2009 2:38 am

everything is true less a 20yr age rye... it takes 20 yrs for a rye to gain enough from the barrel to be worth drining...
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Re: The greatest 'ripoff' perpetuated on us buyers recently is

Postby Rughi » Tue Sep 15, 2009 5:57 pm

Dump Bucket wrote:everything is true less a 20yr age rye... it takes 20 yrs for a rye to gain enough from the barrel to be worth drining...

Great Googly Moogly!

Are you trying to get us to send all ryes under 20yo straight to the Dump Bucket?
Sly, very sly...
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Re: The greatest 'ripoff' perpetuated on us buyers recently is

Postby Mike » Tue Sep 15, 2009 6:26 pm

Dump Bucket wrote:everything is true less a 20yr age rye... it takes 20 yrs for a rye to gain enough from the barrel to be worth drining...

Ah, DB ole buddy, have you been in the barrel too long yo own sef?

Am I misunderstanding you? I can quickly name several worthy ryes of considerably less than 20 Saz, WT Rye, Rittenhouse BIB for starters. Now, 'tis true some ultra aged ryes are superb, but some younger ones are great too.
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Re: The greatest 'ripoff' perpetuated on us buyers recently is

Postby whiskeybreath » Mon Mar 28, 2011 4:20 pm

Rip off describes allot of whats going on in the spirits biz nowadaze. Remember when Blanton's had a certain cache about it? So much is just bullshit now. Beam is the greatest fraud ever perpetrated against the drinking public. But my hat is off to them; they marketed themself to convince people to pay top notch prices for the same ol rot-gut they have always put out. Put that punk "Kid Rock" on their advertisments so all of the wiggerz will feel hip tp drink it. I remember when a 4/5th of white label was $5.99, and that was STILL too much. I despise the fact that they got BOTH Old Taylor and the OGD brand. It is obvious they could care less about the OT brand, as it is pure vomit. At least HH prices their brands for what they are worth, at least they are honest about it. I believe Eagle Rare 90 is an improvement over the 101. Sazarac is doing more for the brand than Seagrams did. It has a better flavor even at a lower proof. The whole small batch thing is a big con too. Sorry if I sound really negitive, I don't want to, but what I have returned to sickens me. Old Fitz winding up in the HH stable is another thing that pisses me off too. If distillers aren't interested in either bettering the brand, or returning it to it's former glory, pass it off to another distiller who will. Hats off to Sazarac, they are the only folks out their who seem interested in this approach. And while I never was a Jack Daniels fan, look what Brown-Foreman did to it. Watered it all the way down to 80 proof. And the dummies keep buying it for $20@ 4/5th. Oh well, I really don't care as long as they leave Old Forester alone.
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Re: The greatest 'ripoff' perpetuated on us buyers recently

Postby Grawlix » Mon Dec 30, 2013 10:44 pm

I replied "other". Anything that's priced like a barrel proof which isn't.

Premium-priced brands that aren't premium-tasters; many of the worst offenders are listed above.
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